We have introduced a new product line at the Car Wash Show Europe 2023!
We are happy to announce that we have introduced a whole new economy product line of self-service equipment called Basic Line at the Car Wash Show Europe in Amsterdam last week!
While visiting multiple expos last year, we also managed to develop a new product line, called Basic Line. The product line represent an economy solutions that are suitable for customers and markets with limited budget options. It is tailor made for smaller car washes, petrol stations, parking lots, retail parks, garages, or businesses which wish to expand their services with self-service car wash.
At the Car Wash Show Europe we launched 2 products belonging to the Basic Line - CarBax FoamCleaner Basic, an economy version of self-service foam cleaner, and CarBax BasicChange, a basic version of banknote changes which exchanges banknotes into coins and can also exchange coins into lower denominations.
Both devices are surely made completely of high quality stainless steel to make sure long service life of the devices is secured. Of course, they also allow the remote access via the internet to have a complete supervision over the devices even without the need to be physically present near the device.
We constantly listen to our customer needs and their market needs and do our best to develop the products that suits them most to ensure the visitors of their car wash are provided with all the essential services a car wash should offer. Moreover, we are proud to develop technology which gives the customers the most user-friendly experience.
We believe, with our new Basic Line, we are enabling for all car wash operators who wish to expand their self-service car wash services to do so for an affordable price while maintaining the CarBax quality.
We were thrilled to meet all of you at the Car Wash Show Europe 2023 and we are looking forward to meeting you again soon at the UNITI expo 2024 in Stuttgart. Mark your calendars for 14-16th of May, and see you soon in Germany!
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